Document Details - Wollman: OASIS Blue: SmartGrid Standards: NIST SGIP

Document Details
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Title Wollman: OASIS Blue: SmartGrid Standards: NIST SGIP
Name Wollman: OASIS Blue: SmartGrid Standards: NIST SGIP (1MB)
Description Presented by Dave Wollman, NIST, at Connectivity Week 2010, OASIS Blue Connect track, May 27, 2010, Santa Clara, California, USA.
Smart Grid US standards program, NIST comments on administration & progress of the SGIP project.
Reposted here by permission.
Document State Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)
Group / Folder OASIS Blue Member Section / Presentations
Submitter By James Bryce Clark on Thursday, 27 May 2010 05:37pm
Modified By James Bryce Clark on Thursday, 27 May 2010 06:03pm
Technical Contact None Selected
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