Document Details - wd-ublndrsc-ndrdoc-V1pt0Draftp.doc

Document Details
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Name wd-ublndrsc-ndrdoc-V1pt0Draftp.doc (1MB)
Description Draft P - Latest version of the NDR. It still needs work, but is getting close. Mark is currently validating the rules and finalising the text. He also needs to incorporate Tim's editorial comments and will do that next. Rules through the end of section 5 have been renumbered given our Washington deletions and have been harmonized with the checklist in the appendix as highlighted in blue in the appendix.
Document State Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)
Group / Folder UBL Naming and Design Rules SC / Technical Documents
Submitter By Ms. Lisa Seaburg on Wednesday, 10 March 2004 10:07am
Technical Contact None Selected
Public URL