Group Comments

Use this page to track and share group comments. You can view all comments and search for a specific comment or group of comments. As a group member, you can also add comments. Note: If you are not a group member, you will only see comments which have been shared with the general public, general membership, or with a group of which you are a member.

To view group comments:

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group from the list under the Available Groups heading whose comments you want to view. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. Click the Comments tab. This takes you to the Comments for that group. The following information is provided:


Comment System Behavior

Commenting Permissions:

Document Managers can specify view and add permissions independently on a per document basis. View and add permissions can be set to one of the following: 'Public','General Membership','Document Viewers','Approval Ballot Voters','Comment Managers' or 'No one'. Commenting permissions must match the document's sharing settings. A document's access restrictions are enforced throughout Kavi Groups and can be set or modified anytime during the document lifecycle.

Commenting Workflow:

In the default configuration, comment submitters can delete new comments they have submitted, provided the comment is still in the New or Deferred state. Submitters may withdraw their comments if the comment is in the Assigned, Addressed, or Rejected state. These action permissions can be changed or customized by Kavi technical consultants.

Comment submitters can Accept or Reject comments that have been marked as addressed by the comment owner / resolver. These action permissions may be changed or customized by Kavi technical consultants.

Group members with the "can_add" privilege in their group role -- typically Members, but not Observers -- may assign themselves as comment owners for comments in the New state. Comment owners may unassign themselves from any comments in the Assigned state. Owners may mark a comment as Addressed if that comment is assigned to them and the comment is in the Assigned or Rejected state. These action permissions can be changed or customized by Kavi technical consultants.

Comment Disposition:

Although a comment can be assigned any number of states or resolutions throughout the comment's lifecycle, it is often useful to know what the final disposition is. A Disposition property is set to 'Resolved' or 'Unresolved' in response to changes in the assigned State. Disposition can be used to search and filter comments and is included in downloaded data. The default mapping (which can be customized by Kavi technical consultants) between comment State and Disposition is as follows.

State Disposition
New Unresolved
Deferred Unresolved
Assigned Unresolved
Addressed Unresolved
Rejected Unresolved
Accepted Resolved
Withdrawn Resolved
Overridden Resolved

Bulk Comment Operations:

It is often convenient to manipulate a set of comments all at once, so Kavi Groups now provides a bulk comment management feature. Admins and Comment Managers can select from the list of displayed comments and update, email or delete all comments en masse.

Optional Comment Files:

Two distinct file upload options are now available for comments. Based on configuration options on the Groups Settings page, supporting documents or other relevant files can be uploaded when a comment is added and when someone responds to a comment. 'Comment Files' can only be uploaded when the comment is created. 'Response Files' can be uploaded when responding to a single comment or performing a bulk update. This means each comment may have multiple Response Files and a single Response File may apply to several comments.

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