Copy a Document

Copy a shared document to your group's document repository. Your group can then share and modify the copied document.

To copy a shared document:

  1. From All Groups under the Available Groups heading, click the name of the group to which you want to copy the document. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. Click the Documents tab. This takes you to the Documents page for that group.
  3. Find the document you want to copy in the shared documents folders at the bottom of the page. In the Action column for that document, click Copy. This takes you to the Copy a Document page.
  4. The document name is printed at the top of the page. The copy of this document will have the same name.
  5. Select a folder for the copied document from the Destination Folder pull-down list. Any subfolders are printed with a slash before the folder name.
  6. Click the Copy Document button to copy the document into the selected folder, or click Cancel to return to the Group Documents page without making a copy of this document.

If you click Copy Document, you go to the Copy Document - Success page. From here you can add modify the copied document, or go to the group documents page. The copied document details now include a Copy section, listing the original document, who copied the document, and when the document was copied.

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