Personalize My Groups
Customize the My Groups page to see the information you need from your groups.
To Personalize the My Groups page
- From the My Groups page, click Personalize This Page. This takes you to the Personalize My Groups page.
- For the Add General Membership Info section, choose whether or not to show information shared with General membership.
- For Show (Number) items per block, select the number of items to be listed in each section. Selecting 5 items per block help keeps the entire page on the screen at one time.
- You can add or remove columns from the right of the My Groups page. Columns containing items stretch to fit the available width of the page. 3 columns looks best.
- You can add or remove rows from the bottom of the My Groups page. The page becomes longer when you add more rows, and may require you to scroll down to see all the available information.
- In the grid of available columns and rows, choose an item for each block. Choose the same item for two or more connecting spaces to have that item stretch across the page.
- Choose where your calendar is displayed. You can have the calendar displayed on the My Groups page, on its own page, or not at all.
- Click Submit to save your changes to the My Groups page, or click Cancel to go back to the My Groups page. Clicking Submit takes you to the Personalize My Groups - Success page. From there, you can return to the My Groups page, or use the breadcrumbs to visit the All Groups page.
Available Options
The My Groups can contain any of these sections.
My Groups: A list of all groups of which you are a member. Each group name is linked to its home page.
All Groups: A list of all available groups for your organization. Each group name is linked to its home page. Note: If you are a member of a group, clicking on its name takes you to the member group home page, with access to complete member information, calendar and documents.
If you are not a member of the group, these links take you to a visitor's view of the group home page, with access to shared information, calendar and documents.
Upcoming Events: A list of upcoming events from all available groups. Listed for each event are the date, type (designated using the calendar icons), name (linked to the Event Details page), and group sponsor. Today's date is highlighted if there is an event scheduled.
Tip: To quickly find out an event's scheduled time, place your cursor over the event name and read the rollover text.
Recent Documents: A list of recently added documents from all available groups. Listed for each document are the submitted date, type (using standard file type icons), name (linked to the document itself for viewing on-line/downloading), size and a link to the Document Details page.
Tip: To quickly find out a document's type, place your cursor over the document name and read the rollover text.
Open Ballots: A list of recent ballots by close date from all available groups. Listed for each ballot are the status icon (vote, voted), ballot name (linked to the Ballot Details page) and sponsor group. You will see this section only if Kavi Groups is configured to allow voting.
Tip: To quickly find out a ballot's description, place your cursor over the ballot name and read the rollover text.
Action Items: A list of recent action items. Action items titles are preceded by an icon indicating whether the item is open or closed. The name of the person assigned to this action item and the group sponsor are shown below the title.
Recent Email: List of the most recent email messages sent. The message subject links to a copy of the message in the group email threads.
Mailing List Archives: A list of mailing lists from your groups. Click the mailing list name to visit the email threads for that list.
My Company's Members: The name of other people from your company who are participating in a group.