Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 125. Manage Contact Types


The Manage Contact Types tool is used to view and manage Contact Types, which are assigned to a user to classify the way the user represents their company to the organization. Since every user must be assigned to a company, every user must be assigned a Contact Type, too.

When Kavi Members is installed, there are three default Contact Types that are automatically assigned to users as they are added to the database according to their User Purpose. The default Contact Types can help explain how types are used.

Default Auto-Assigned Contact Types


Assigned to users who have been assigned the 'Individual Member' or 'Individual Nonmember' purpose (applies to mixed or individual-based organizations).


Assigned to users who have been assigned the 'Company Representative' purpose (applies to mixed or company-based organizations).


Assigned to users who have been assigned the 'Staff Person' purpose (applies to any organization that has staff, whether the staff are employed directly by the organization or through an external company that provides administrative or other services).

In addition to the auto-assigned types, Kavi Members installs a 'Primary Contact' type that fulfills an enormously important function in company-based organizations. This type is assigned to users designated as the company's point person to whom most automatically generated email is addressed. For example, the email acknowledging receipt of the company's membership application is sent to the 'Primary Contact', so it's important that every member company fill in the 'Primary Contact' section on their membership application.

Contact Types can be associated with roles that grant access to tools used to manage company rosters and data. By default, the 'Primary Contact' Contact Type confers the 'company_admin' role on company representatives who are assigned this type, giving them access to the Company Admin Area and tools that they can use to manage their own company's data and users.

Other applications may install Contact Types, and most organizations add custom Contact Types that are unique to the organization.

If you aren't familiar with the way that types are used to confer roles that grant access to Kavi Members tools and other areas of the website, see the Concepts documents on Roles, Types and Access before using this tool. If you aren't certain how the different classes of types are applied, see the Concepts documents on Company Types, Contact Types and User Types.

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How to Manage Contact Types

View a list of existing Contact Types, plus links to tools to add, edit or delete these types.

Tool Links

  • View existing Contact Types, their descriptions, categories, associated roles and whether they are auto-assigned by default.

  • Access the Add a Contact Type tool to add one or more custom types.

  • Access the Edit a Contact Type tool to edit a custom or default type.

  • Access the Delete a Contact Type tool to delete a custom type.



The name of the type.


This name must be unique.

It is recommended that type names be capitalized as proper nouns to differentiate them from roles with similar names. Capitalized names also display nicely in reports.


A short textual description of the type. If this type conveys any access, the description should include this information (e.g., 'Conveys access to Members and Board areas.').


The category assigned to a Contact Type determines how and where that type is displayed on a tool page, and indicates whether the type should be assigned broadly or only to company representatives who hold special positions (e.g., Primary Contact) and require privileged access to company data or company web page content in order to discharge their responsibilities. The categories are: 'General', 'Admin Access' and 'Editor Access'. Types are assigned the 'General' category unless they are associated with roles that confer administrative or editorial access.


A category assigned to types used solely for classification or types associated with roles that confer basic Members Area access.

Admin Access

Types assigned to this category are displayed in the 'Admin Access' section of the Manage a User tool set to identify them as types that confer administrative access. Contact Types in this category are associated with the 'company_admin' role, which confers access to the Company Admin menu and tools used to manage company data. Types in this category should be assigned only to designated company representatives who are responsible for maintaining their company's data.

Editor Access

Types assigned to this category are displayed in the 'Editor Access' section of the Manage a User tool set to identify them as types that confer administrative access. Types in this category are associated with editor roles, which confer access to Kavi® Edit tools. Types in this category should be assigned only to designated company representatives who are responsible for maintaining their company's web site content.

Associated Roles

Select zero or more roles for your new type.


A type is not required to have roles associated with it. Custom types can be used as a convenient way to group users or companies according to type, and in these cases it may not be necessary to provide privileges through this type.


Select this option if you would like this type to be automatically assigned to new users who submit membership applications online. This option is also preselected for users added through the Add a Company tool and applied by default to users added through the Upload Data tool, although administrators can override the default when adding users individually or through batch uploads. It is auto-assigned to users whose assigned Purpose matches the Purposes selected in this tool.


Links you can click if you want to edit or delete a type.

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