Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 4. Managing Addresses


Addresses information isn't required by Kavi Workspace, but can be enabled by any organization that wants to collect a mailing address or Billing Address Information. Your organization's site can be configured to collect addresses for companies, users or both. Different kinds of addresses may be collected, such as mailing and shipping addresses. Address collection may be based on User Purpose or Company Purpose, so an organization could choose to collect addresses from members, but not from nonmembers, for example.

If your site has Kavi Membership with billing, Billing Account Information fields are automatically installed and enabled. Billing Account Information includes contact information for the designated billing contact in addition to a billing address.

This document provides an overview of address configuration options to help you determine what address collection rules apply on your website, and describes Kavi Workspace tools where address information is used and managed.

Before you read this document, you might find it helpful to read the Concepts document Addresses, which gives account holders pointers on managing their address and company address information, describes where this information is displayed to other account holders, and explains how privacy settings might hide an address from certain rosters and directories. As mentioned in that document, Kavi Workspace collects addresses in a format that is compliant with North American postal standards. For more information, see Publication 28 - Postal Addressing Standards and Frank's Compulsive Guide to Postal Addresses.

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Address Configuration

There are three parts to address configuration.

  1. When enabling addresses on your website, the first step is to use the Configure Addresses tool to determine global settings for all addresses managed through Kavi Members, including company addresses, user addresses, and Billing Address Information.

  2. The next step is to use the Address Types tools to add Company Address Types or User Address Types (or both). These can be collected for specific purposes, and can be required or optional.

  3. As mentioned previously, Billing Account Information is added automatically by Kavi Membership if billing is enabled.

Configure Addresses Tool

If you are a Super Admin, you can visit this tool to see how global settings are configured on your website. Configure Addresses is quite simple. It consists of four options that determine whether certain extra address fields are used on the site, and whether the state/province/region and country fields are select lists or plain text boxes.

The section on Address Fields in the Addresses document shows the configuration in use on most sites: both a Contact Name and a Company Name, only two lines for the street address, and select lists enabled for state/province/region and country. If your site is different, see the Configure Addresses tool page help.

Address Types

An organization that doesn't collect addresses, or only uses Billing Account Information, doesn't need to have any Address Types defined. A company-based organization may only need Company Address Types, and an individual-based organization may only need User Address Types, but many organizations have both. Address Types are managed through the Super Admin tools Manage Company Address Types and Manage User Address Types.

Each type has a name and is configured to be either required or optional. The most common is a 'Mailing' Address Type, but the organization may have others, such as a 'Shipping' or 'Physical Location' address.

Each type is configured so that it is collected for all companies or users, or for specific Company Purposes or User Purposes only.

Billing Account Information

Billing Account Information, which stores billing contact information and billing addresses for Kavi Membership, behaves somewhat differently than other addresses, as described in the section on Billing Account Information in the Addresses document. Like other addresses, the available fields are affected by the global settings in Configure Addresses, but Billing Account Information is added automatically and is not managed through Address Types tools.

Legacy Billing Contact Data

Some venerable Kavi customers have legacy billing contact support enabled. If this applies to your organization, you may encounter legacy billing contact data when managing an established account, and can use this older billing contact data if necessary or take this opportunity to enter data in the standardized format.

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How to Use Super Admin Address Configuration Tools

Address configuration is quite simple. The global settings are usually handled during site setup, but if addresses aren't in use at the time of setup, they can be added later.

Configure Addresses Globally

Use the Configure Addresses tool to view and configure global settings. These settings determine whether addressee information includes both a user and a company, whether there are two or three address lines, and whether state/province and country fields have select lists as well as free-text fields. Options set here affect all addresses: company, user and billing.

Option Pros and Cons
Company Name This option should be enabled on your site so that users can receive mailings at their business address.
Address 3 Organizations that only store North American address data in the Kavi Members database may find this field unnecessary, but it can be enabled to store addresses of account holders who are located outside North America. If enabled, an Address 3 line is added to the database for every Address Type and Billing Account Information, and appears in every form used to collect address information.
State/Province Display Most organizations prefer the select list because it helps normalize the entries for state or province in address data. Users outside North America simply select 'Outside U.S. and Canada' in the select list, then enter their regional data in the text box, if any. The Text Entry option is available for organizations that prefer it.
Country Display Most organizations prefer the ISO 3166 select list because it helps normalize the value entered for country. The Text Entry option is available for organizations that want it.

Company Address Type and User Address Type Configuration

The only difference between company and user Address Types is the kind of entity to which the address data is mapped. An organization may have Company Address Types only, User Address Types only, or both. These types can be configured so that different types are collected for different purposes, multiple addresses may be collected from the same company or user, and the addresses may be optional or required.

All available Company Address Types can be viewed through Manage Company Address Types, which provides links to tools used to manage these types or add new ones. User Address Types can be viewed through Manage user Address Types, which also provides links to tools needed to manage these types or add new ones. Read the page help for these tools for more information.

Example 4.1. Example: Organization with Multiple Address Types

This example shows a site with a complex account holder structure, so the configuration of your site's addresses is probably be simpler. Kavi Membership is enabled, so the Billing Account Information fields are present, and the organization offers memberships for both companies and individuals. One of the membership benefits is a subscription to the organization's magazine, so this address is required from individuals and company representatives. A mailing address is also collected from all members, so there are two versions of this Address Type: one for companies and one for users.

In Manage User Address Types, the required 'Mailing' address preceeds the optional 'Subscription' address, so that Individual Members can opt to use their 'Mailing' address as their 'Subscription' address.

Address Entity Purpose(s) Required/Optional
Billing Account Information Company Member Company Required
Billing Account Information User Individual Member Required
'Mailing' Address Type Company Member Company Required
'Mailing' Address Type User Individual Member Required
'Subscription' Address Type User

Individual Member

Company Representative

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Address Variables in Reports and Email Templates

Most of the address fields used in reports and email templates are self-explanatory. This table explains some that may not be. For a more complete list, see the Appendix document Address Data Fields. The variable prefix is derived from either company or user plus the name of the Address Type. The last part of the variable consists of a recognizable field name (e.g., '_country'). The contact fields and street address fields are exceptions to this rule.

The following table shows the default field names and corresponding variables for the contact fields and street address fields. This example uses the most common User Address Type, which is "Mailing," so the variable prefix is composed of 'user' (reports variable) or '$u' (email template variable) plus 'mailing'. The variable prefixes used on your site reflect your organization's Address Types. The other two address lines (i.e., Address 2 and Address 3) follow the same format as Address 1.

Table 4.1. Address Variables

Address Field Reports Variable Email Template Variable
Contact Name user_mailing_name1 $u_mailing_name1
Company Name user_mailing_name2 $u_mailing_name2
Address 1 user_mailing_address1 $u_mailing_address1
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Uploading Address Information

Super Admins can upload address data through the Upload Data tool. To use this tool, company data and user data must be uploaded in separate files. Because Address Types are configured to be purpose-specific, it's easier to upload addresses if all the companies or users in the batch have the same purpose.

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