KaviŪ Members Help

Chapter 71. Users Over Time Graph


Graphing reports show real-time content of the membership database. The users over time report shows the number of active users with the organization for a given date range. The report can be generated for the entire history of the organization or for a specific date range. Reports can also be limited to information about users from a single company. The graphs can then be modified and printed. The data used to generate the graph is displayed at the bottom of the page and can be downloaded to the report administrator's computer to work with off-line.

The users over time graph shows an increase in membership based on a member's initial signup date. A decrease in membership is shown on a member's deactivation date. Kavi Members does not track a running total of members at this time, so any changes to members' deactivation or initial signup dates will change the display of this graph.

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How to use the Users Over Time Graph page

Set Options

Set any of the optional fields to refine the search criteria. To generate a report for the entire history of the organization, leave the search fields set to the default values.

If you want information about users from a single company, select that company from the list.

The time fields can be used together to specify a bounded time range beginning at the time set in the Start Date field and ending at the time set in the Expiration Date field.

Use the Purpose field to choose between company representatives, individual members, nonmembers or staff or administration.

View Graph

A graph of the number of active users (Y-axis) over the period of time selected (X-axis) is displayed. The data used to generate the graph is displayed at the bottom of the page.

Graphing Report Options

Options available on the Companies Over Time Report include:


Determines the look of the graph. Select the style you want and click Change View.

Graph Title

Customize the title that is printed above the graph (e.g., 'Q3 2004 Membership'). Enter the title you want and click Change View.

X-Axis Title

Customize the title that is printed at the base of the graph (e.g., 'Q3 2004'). Enter the title you want and click Change View.

Y-Axis Title

Customize the title that is printed along-side the graph (e.g., 'Member Companies'). Enter the title you want and click Change View.


Select a file format and download the data used to generate the graph to a file on your computer. Available file formats are comma-separated values, Excel spreadsheet and pipe delimited.

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