Kavi Mailing List Manager Help

Chapter 73. View/Moderate Pending Message


Use the View/Moderate Pending Message tool when you want to view a message that has been sent to the moderation queue, approve or reject the message, or permanently place the sender on the Allow or Deny Subscriber List. To moderate a message, set the action to 'Accept this message' or 'Delete this message'. Accepted messages are immediately posted to the mailing list. Deleted messages are deleted from the moderation queue. If all you want to do is view the message without taking action, leave this set to the default 'Skip this message'.

You can place the sender on the Allow Subscriber List so that future posts from this sender bypass the moderation queue and are posted directly to the mailing list by setting the second action field to 'and add this sender to the allow list'. Conversely, you can set the second action field to 'and add this sender to the deny list' if you want the mailing list to automatically reject messages from this sender in the future. This field isn't displayed if this is a moderated mailing list and the sender is a moderator. If you decide to revoke or reinstate posting privileges in the future, you can use the Edit Mailing List Subscribers tool.


When moderating messages via email, rejected messages are packaged into rejection notices by ezmlm and returned to the sender. When moderating messages through this tool, messages are deleted rather than rejected. Deleted messages are simply removed from the moderation queue without notifying the sender.

Use the View/Moderate Pending Message tool to:

  • View the contents of a message in the moderation queue and skip it if you wish to take no action on it at this time.

  • Accept or delete this message.

  • Permanently add the sender's address to the Allow or Deny lists or leave things as they are and continue moderating this sender.

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How to Use the View/Moderate Pending Message Tool


View the message and take action if desired. When you are done reviewing the message and selecting any desired actions, click the Submit button.

View Pending Message:

List Name

The name of this mailing list.


The message ID.


The envelope sender.


The timestamp added by the receiving MTA. If this is a Kavi-hosted website, this value shows Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Raw Headers

The full headers from this message, including the envelope header and message header.


The body of the email message containing the content or information added by the sender.



To view this message, then proceed without taking any action, leave these fields set to the default values 'Skip this message' and 'and continue moderating this sender'. To approve a message and send it directly to the mailing list, set the first field to 'Accept this message'. To delete a message that shouldn't be sent to the mailing list, select 'Delete this message'.

You can place the sender on the Allow Subscriber List so that future posts from this sender bypass the moderation queue and are posted directly to the mailing list by setting the second action field to 'and add this sender to the allow list'. Conversely, you can set the second action field to 'and add this sender to the deny list' if you want the mailing list to automatically reject messages from this sender in the future.


Information about the message and the Moderation Action Taken are displayed for you to review. If you left an action field set to the default value and want to return to the form to select a different value, click the Back button. If you are satisfied with your results, click the Back to Moderate Pending Messages button.

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